Day 29: Waiting on my teeth to move (Jaw opens 2 fingers now!)

I've been wearing the elastics pretty consistently since my orthodontist appointment. My bite is definitely starting to form. Whereas before I was complaining about contact on one tooth, now I can complain about uneven contact on several teeth :D, a nice step forward. Comparing from about 2 weeks ago to now, my bite has closed by what seems like 1-2 mm. In fact the teeth are starting to overlap/touch the metal brackets.
(top) 2 weeks post-op, (bottom) today, 4 weeks post-op. The teeth close further now.
My left side teeth seem to be coming together nicely, but my right side is still lagging (left side in the photos). This is probably in part due to the slight cant to the teeth/jaw, and partly because of that one tooth that was holding up the line. When the orthodontist shaved it down a little that helped the teeth know whose boss and they have started to line up quickly.

There is still a constant and annoying tooth and jaw pain from the elastics forcing my bite together in a new and uncomfortable way.

I have more comparisons at my 4 week check-in.

Also, today marks the first day I can fit 2 solid fingers between my jaws.

The goal is 3 by Thursday. That's still a stretch.

On to Day 30, 1 month!
